PhD program at the Swedish Open University

  • Title: Ph.D.
  • Level: Post-graduate, 3rd cycle
  • Language: English
  • Admissions: On call for applications
  • Duration: 4-6 years, 240 credits
  • Fees: 6,000 USD per year
  • Classes: Online/remote/seminars


The doctoral program at Swedish Open University is designed for individuals who are seeking to advance their research and scholarship in a particular field of study. The program is ideal for those who want to develop advanced research skills, critical thinking abilities, and a deep understanding of their field. It provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to conduct original research and contribute to their field of study. Additionally, the program is well-suited for individuals who are seeking to pursue academic careers in teaching and research, or want to work in other roles that require advanced research skills and a high level of expertise in their field.

The program expects students to participate in various research and academic activities such as attending conferences, presenting research findings, and publishing academic papers. This exposure to the broader academic and business communities will provide students with valuable opportunities to develop their skills and networks and to learn from experts in their field.

The research component of the program is centered around the development of an independent research project culminating in a doctoral dissertation. Students will work closely with a faculty advisor to develop a research question, design and implement a research project, analyze data, and prepare a dissertation that makes a significant contribution to the field of business administration.

Typically it takes four to six years to complete 240 credits for the program. It is structured around coursework (60 credits), independent research, and publications cumulating in a thesis of 180 credits.

Faculty and Support Services: The doctoral program in business administration is taught by experienced faculty members who have expertise in research methods and relevant fields of study in business administration. The university also provides a range of support services to the students, including academic advise, research support, and career services.

Program Learning Outcomes and Objectives

By the end of the program, students will be able to:

Conduct original research that makes a significant contribution to their field of study.
Demonstrate expertise in research methods and techniques relevant to their field of study.
Develop critical thinking skills and the ability to analyze and synthesize complex information.
Communicate the research findings effectively through written and oral presentations.
Demonstrate professionalism and ethical conduct in research and academic settings.

Program Structure

The curriculum for each doctoral program at the Swedish Open University varies depending on the field of study. The program also offers a range of seminars, workshops, and other activities designed to develop students' skills in research methods and academic writing. All programs are designed to provide students with a strong foundation in research methods and theory, and to allow them to specialize in a particular area of study. The program is delivered online, allowing students to study at their own pace following their own schedule.

The following is the detailed content of a typical doctoral program at the Swedish Open University:

• Coursework: Students are required to complete coursework in research methods and techniques, as well as classics and advanced courses in their field of study for getting a minimum of 60 ETS. The coursework component of the program includes a combination of required and elective courses. The required courses cover core topics in areas related to theory and research methods. Students have to choose one specialization course so that they can specialize in a particular area of business research.
• Research Proposal Development: At the beginning of the program, students will work closely with faculty advisors to develop a research proposal that outlines their intended research topic, objectives, and methodology. The proposal will undergo rigorous evaluation and refinement to ensure its feasibility and scholarly merit.
• Research Seminars: Students will actively participate in research seminars and colloquia where they will present their research progress, get feedback from faculty members and peers, and engage in scholarly discussions. These sessions will provide valuable opportunities for intellectual exchange, collaboration, and developing critical thinking skills.
• Dissertation Research: Students are required to conduct original research in their field of study and write a dissertation that presents their research findings. Students will work closely with a faculty advisor to develop a research question, design, and implement a research project, analyze data, and prepare a dissertation that makes a significant contribution to their field of study.
• Collaborative Learning: The Swedish Open University emphasizes on a periodic collaborative learning environment to present students’ progress. Students and faculty members work together for developing research questions, analyzing data, and disseminating the findings. Students are encouraged to work with their peers and faculty members, participate in academic discussions, and provide feedback on each other's work.
• Teaching Experience: Aspiring academics will have an opportunity to gain teaching experience by assisting faculty members in undergraduate or graduate courses related to their field of research. This experience will develop their communication and mentoring skills further, thus preparing them for future academic careers.
• Assessment and Evaluation: Student learning is assessed using a number of methods including exams, research papers, and a dissertation. Students are also evaluated on their participation in online discussions and research seminars.
• Graduation: After completing the required coursework and successfully defending their dissertation, students will be awarded a doctoral degree by the Swedish Open University. Graduates of the program will be well-prepared for careers in academia, research, and industry, depending on their interests and goals.

Admission Requirements

To be considered for admission to the doctoral program at the Swedish Open University, applicants must meet the following requirements:

Hold a master's degree in a relevant field from an accredited institution.
Provide evidence of proficiency in English language.
Possess a strong academic background and research potential.
Submit official transcripts and degrees from all previous educational institutions.
Provide a detailed statement of purpose outlining research interests, goals, and motivation.
Submit a research proposal or an outline of the intended research area.
Provide three letters of recommendation from academic or professional references.
Complete an interview with program faculty.

Career Opportunities

On completion, students will have advanced knowledge of their field of study and the skills and experience needed to conduct independent research and make significant contributions to their field. Graduates may pursue careers as faculty members in universities, researchers in private or public sector organizations, and consultants in their field of study, depending on their interests and goals.

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