Professional Course in DevOps

  • Title: Professional Course in DevOps
  • Category: Advanced training
  • Language: English
  • Application deadline: 1 month before session opening
  • Duration: 6months, 8 lessons
  • Fees: 700 USD
  • Classes: Online/Remote


Welcome to the Professional Course in DevOps! Get ready to dive into the world of seamless software development and deployment, where you will learn how to bridge the gap between “development and operations”. Throughout this course, you will explore the principles of automation, continuous integration and delivery, infrastructure as code, and cloud technologies. Join us as we delve into the DevOps culture and practices, equipping you with the skills to streamline workflows, enhance collaboration, and drive innovation. Get ready to become a DevOps champion and transform the way organizations build and deliver software.

This professional course is designed to provide individuals with a necessary understanding of DevOps, the practice of combining software development and IT operations to deliver software more quickly and reliably. Participants will learn the principles of DevOps, including continuous integration and continuous delivery, infrastructure as code, and automated testing. Through practical exercises and hands-on coding, participants will develop proficiency in using popular DevOps tools and technologies such as Git, Jenkins, Docker, and Kubernetes. The course also covers best practices for DevOps, including collaboration and communication between development and operations teams.

At the advanced level, participants will learn about network architecture, protocols, and technologies, including local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), and wireless networks. Through practical exercises and project-based learning, participants will gain hands-on experience in designing and implementing complex network infrastructures using industry-standard tools and technologies such as Cisco and Juniper. Additionally, the course covers best practices for network security, including threat mitigation and network monitoring. Whether you are looking to start a career in networking or seeking to enhance your existing skills, this course will provide you with a solid knowledge in computer networking principles and techniques. Upon completion of the course, participants will have the skills and knowledge necessary to design, deploy, and manage enterprise-level computer networks that meet the needs of today's digital businesses.

As part of our commitment to providing a comprehensive and immersive learning experience, selected participants of our professional courses will have the exclusive opportunity to attend a highly enriching boot camp or seminar in the picturesque setting of Sweden. It aims to deliver value beyond the classroom, empower our course graduates to thrive in their careers, make lasting connections, and stand out as leaders in their respective fields. This event will serve as a platform for participants to showcase the projects or prototypes they've developed during the course, creating a vibrant atmosphere for collaboration, feedback, and networking.

Join us on this exciting journey of learning, growth, and innovation, and seize the opportunity to shine internationally by showcasing your projects and prototypes in the heart of Sweden!

Who Should Attend?

The course is ideal for software developers, system administrators, IT professionals, and individuals seeking to enhance their careers in DevOps or work in organizations adopting DevOps practices. It is suitable for both beginners and professionals with prior experience in software development or operations, who wish to gain a comprehensive understanding of DevOps principles, tools, and practices.

While there are no specific prerequisites for this course, participants should have a basic understanding of software development concepts and IT infrastructure. Familiarity with Agile methodologies and cloud computing would be advantageous. This course is particularly relevant for:

I• Software Developers and Engineers: Software developers and engineers who want to enhance their understanding of DevOps principles, tools, and practices can greatly benefit from this course. It provides them with insights into automating software development processes, continuous integration and deployment, and efficient collaboration between development and operations teams.
II• IT Operations Professionals: IT operations professionals, including system administrators, network administrators, and infrastructure managers, can leverage this course to expand their knowledge of DevOps methodologies. It equips them with skills in infrastructure as code, configuration management, and monitoring techniques, enabling them to optimize operational efficiency and deliver high-quality services.
III• Quality Assurance and Testing Professionals: Quality assurance and testing professionals who want to integrate their processes into the DevOps lifecycle can benefit from this course. It provides them with an understanding of test automation, continuous testing, and quality assurance practices in a DevOps environment, ensuring faster and more reliable software releases.
IV• Project Managers and Team Leads: Project managers and team leads responsible for software development projects can enhance their skills by understanding DevOps principles and practices. This course enables them to effectively manage cross-functional teams, improve collaboration, and implement efficient software delivery pipelines, resulting in faster time to market and increased project success.
V• IT Managers and Executives: IT managers and executives who want to drive digital transformation and enhance organizational agility can benefit from this course. It provides them with a holistic view of DevOps, enabling them to align business objectives with IT initiatives, optimize resource allocation, and foster a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement.
VI• Cloud Professionals: Professionals working with cloud platforms, such as cloud architects, cloud engineers, or cloud administrators, can leverage this course to enhance their understanding of DevOps in cloud environments. It covers topics such as infrastructure provisioning, containerization, and orchestration, enabling them to build scalable and resilient cloud-based solutions.
VII• Agile Practitioners: Agile practitioners, including Scrum Masters and Agile coaches, who want to complement their agile practices with DevOps can benefit from this course. It provides them with insights into integrating development, testing, and operations activities seamlessly, resulting in faster feedback loops and improved software delivery.
VIII• Entrepreneurs and Business Owners: Entrepreneurs and business owners who want to optimize their software development processes and accelerate time to market can benefit from this course. It equips them with the knowledge to implement DevOps practices, automate workflows, and improve overall business agility, fostering innovation and growth.

What will you learn?

Upon successful completion of the course, participants will:
Understand the core principles, culture, and benefits of DevOps
Implement continuous integration and continuous deployment pipelines
Automate build, test, and deployment processes using industry-standard tools
Implement infrastructure as code and leverage configuration management tools
Utilize containerization technologies and orchestration platforms
Monitor infrastructure and applications for performance optimization and troubleshooting
Implement secure coding practices and address compliance requirements
Foster collaboration and effective communication between development and operations teams
Apply DevOps best practices and drive a culture of continuous improvement

Lessons and detailed program

The Professional Course in DevOps is a comprehensive program designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills required to excel in the field of DevOps (Development and Operations). This course covers the principles, practices, and tools essential for creating a collaborative and efficient software development and deployment environment, emphasizing the integration of development and operations teams to achieve continuous delivery and automation. The following is a detailed plan:

Module 1: Introduction to DevOps

Understanding the fundamentals and benefits of DevOps
Exploring the DevOps culture and principles
Analyzing the DevOps lifecycle and key practices
Module 2: Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
Implementing continuous integration and continuous deployment pipelines
Automating build, test, and deployment processes
Configuring version control systems and repository management
Module 3: Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
Understanding the concept of infrastructure as code
Implementing configuration management tools, such as Ansible or Chef
Automating server provisioning and orchestration
Module 4: Containerization and Container Orchestration
Exploring containerization technologies, such as Docker
Implementing container orchestration with Kubernetes
Managing containerized applications and scalability
Module 5: Monitoring and Log Management
Implementing monitoring and alerting systems for infrastructure and applications
Utilizing log management tools for centralized log analysis
Analyzing metrics and logs for troubleshooting and performance optimization
Module 6: DevOps Security and Compliance
Understanding security considerations in DevOps practices
Implementing secure coding practices and vulnerability management
Addressing compliance requirements in DevOps processes
Module 7: Collaboration and Communication Tools
Utilizing collaboration and communication tools, such as Slack or Jira
Implementing agile and DevOps practices in project management
Facilitating effective communication and collaboration between teams
Module 8: DevOps Best Practices and Continuous Improvement
Identifying and implementing DevOps best practices
Analyzing case studies and real-world examples of successful DevOps implementations
Implementing a culture of continuous improvement and learning in DevOps

Course Format

The course incorporates a blend of theoretical concepts, hands-on exercises, and real-world case studies to provide participants with practical experience in DevOps principles and tools. Participants will engage in lectures, group discussions, hands-on labs, and projects to apply their knowledge in a simulated DevOps environment. They will have access to DevOps tools and platforms, enabling them to gain practical experience in implementing DevOps practices. The course also offers opportunities for networking with instructors and fellow participants, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing.

Highlights of the Boot camp, collaboration and networking opportunities

• Project Showcases: Present your project for cross-learning, idea exchange, and recognition of achievements.
• Expert Feedback from Experts and Mentors: Receive constructive input to refine your work further.
• Interactive Workshops: Engaging workshops and seminars led by industry leaders. Enhance your knowledge and skills through these hands-on sessions.
• Networking Opportunities: Expand your network with like-minded professionals, share experiences, and forge potential collaborations or career advancements.
• Cultural Enrichment: Get a broader perspective on global business practices plus a taste of Swedish culture with cultural outings and sightseeing.

How to apply

Apply here Next